As explained in the Family Device page, family is an attribute use to associate a terminal to a specific configuration management category. It is a group of device models with compatible configuration.
ThinOX devices with version 11.. belong to a family different from the one of ThinOX devices with version 12...
In addition, a configuration set is a group of configuration parameters (network, user interface, security, connections, etc.), applicable to all devices belonging to the same family.
When upgrading a terminal from ThinOX11 to ThinOX12 and the terminal is under a device profile with a configuration set applicable only to ThinOX11-family devices, the device's profile status will change to Profile Unavailable (i.e. there is no configuration set compatible with the device).
See below, the terminal THINOX-TARGET with version 11.5.5 (Family: ThinOX-15).
The terminal is under the policy thinox_default_policy whose associated to the profile thinox_default_profile which has a configuration-set thinox_default_template.
Let's upgrade the terminal to version 12.0.8. Remember you can proceed either manually through the Contextual Menu - Firmware Update or automatically through a Scheduled Activity or an Event Activity.
See on the Details section the Device Profile Status changed to Profile Unavailable.
Now, you can either Add a new configuration set to the existing profile(see explanation below) or create a new device policy.
Right click on the device and select Offline Configuration -> Receive from Device.
After receiving the offline configuration, right click on the device and select Add Configuration Set to Profile.
Write the name of the configuration set to be created and select the corresponding profile (on the above example, thinox_default_profile). Click on OK.
The configuration set is added to the profile.
Click on Yes to view the configuration sets of the profile. On the above example, you will see 2 configuration sets under the profile, one corresponding to the ThinOX-15 family (version 11.*.*), the other to the ThinOX-19 family (version 12.*.*).
On the Details area, observed the Device Profile Status has changed to To be applied and the Device Conf. Set is the configuration set recently added.
Finally, reboot the device in order to apply the new configuration set. Remember, this can be scheduled.