The Certificate Manager panel allows saving the certificates needed to contact the Resources configured on the device.
These parameters are managed by ThinMan Profile
Remember that all certificate-related configurations can be automatically distributed on any device using ThinMan Profiles and Policies. This feature is particularly useful for delivering and maintaining certificates across multiple devices.
The certificates configured here are installed directly in the device’s operating system, making them available to all software that requires these certificates (e.g., connection clients, browsers, etc.).
Import the entire certificates chain
When using certificates that cannot be validated online (e.g., self-signed certificates), remember to import the entire certificate chain. This includes not only the server certificate but also the root CA and any intermediate certificates that issued it.
To add a new certificate click on Import Certificate and navigate to the directory where the certificate is saved.
By default, the file type Certificate is selected, allowing you to choose either *.cer or *.crt file types (base64 encoding). If your certificate has another extension, select the All files file type.
Once selected, the certificate will be copied to the device, and all related information will be displayed.
To delete a certificate, click the Trash icon on the right. The icon will appear when you hover over the certificate. Refer to the image above. You will need to confirm this action.