In this page you will find all the information related to the End User License Agreement of the software used in Windows 10 IoT devices.
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Rainmeter is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the [GNU GPL v2|] license.
This is a legal agreement ("AGREEMENT") between you, the Licensed User, and Citrix Systems, Inc., Citrix Systems International GmbH, or Citrix Systems Asia Pacific Pty Ltd. Your location of receipt of this component (hereinafter "RECEIVER") determines the licensing entity hereunder (the applicable entity is hereinafter referred to as "CITRIX"). Citrix Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation, licenses RECEIVER in the Americas and Japan. Citrix Systems International GmbH, a Swiss company wholly owned by Citrix Systems, Inc., licenses RECEIVER in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Pacific (excluding Japan). BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING OR USING RECEIVER, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT DOWNLOAD, INSTALL AND/OR USE RECEIVER.
1. GRANT OF LICENSE. RECEIVER contains client software that allows a device to access or utilize the services provided by Citrix server software products. Use of RECEIVER is subject to the Citrix license covering the specific edition of the Citrix server software product with which you will be using this component. Your use of this component is limited to use on the devices for which it was created for connection to such Citrix server software product. If your device is connected to the Internet, RECEIVER may, without additional notice, check for updates that are available for download and installation to your device and let you know of their availability. Only non-personal identifiable information is transmitted when this happens, except to the extent that IP Addresses may be considered personally identifiable in some jurisdictions. The use of such information, including your IP Address is governed by the Citrix Privacy Policy available on Updates will not be downloaded or installed without your consent. Certain third-party software may be provided with this component that is subject to separate license conditions. The licenses are located in the third-party licenses file accompanying this component or in the corresponding license files available at You may make one (1) copy of RECEIVER in machine-readable form solely for back-up purposes, provided that you reproduce all proprietary notices on the copy.
2. DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS, LIMITATIONS, AND OBLIGATIONS. Warranty, maintenance, technical support and infringement indemnification rights are limited to those covering the licenses for your relevant Citrix server software product under which you will be using RECEIVER. You may not transfer, rent, timeshare, grant rights in or lease RECEIVER except to the extent such foregoing restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this AGREEMENT shall not prevent or restrict you from exercising additional or different rights to any free, open source code, documentation and materials contained in or provided with RECEIVER in accordance with the applicable free, open source license for such code, documentation, and materials. ALL RIGHTS IN RECEIVER NOT EXPRESSLY GRANTED ARE RESERVED BY CITRIX OR ITS SUPPLIERS. You hereby agree, that to the extent that any applicable mandatory laws (such as, for example, national laws implementing EC Directive 91/250 on the Legal Protection of Computer Programs) give you the right to perform any of the aforementioned activities without the consent of CITRIX to gain certain information about the SOFTWARE, before you exercise any such rights, you shall first request such information from CITRIX in writing detailing the purpose for which you need the information. Only if and after CITRIX, at its sole discretion, partly or completely denies your request, shall you exercise your statutory rights.
4. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. No title to or ownership of RECEIVER is transferred to you. CITRIX and/or its licensors own and retain all title and ownership of all intellectual property rights in and to RECEIVER, including any adaptations or copies. You receive only a limited license to use RECEIVER.
5. EXPORT RESTRICTION. You agree that you will not export, re-export, or import RECEIVER in any form without the appropriate government licenses. You understand that under no circumstances may RECEIVER be exported to any country subject to U.S. embargo or to U.S.-designated denied persons or prohibited entities or U.S. specially designated nationals.
7. U.S. GOVERNMENT END-USERS. If you are a U.S. Government agency, in accordance with Section 12.212 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR 12.212 (October 1995)) and Sections 227.7202-1 and 227.7202-3 of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (48 CFR 227.7202-1, 227.7202-3 (June 1995)), you hereby acknowledge that RECEIVER constitutes "Commercial Computer Software" and that the use, duplication, and disclosure of the RECEIVER by the U.S. Government or any of its agencies is governed by, and is subject to, all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, and limitations set forth in this standard commercial license AGREEMENT. In the event that, for any reason, Sections 12.212, 227.7202-1 or 227.7202-3 are deemed not applicable, you hereby acknowledge that the Government’s right to use, duplicate, or disclose RECEIVER are "Restricted Rights" as defined in 48 CFR Section 52.227-19(c)(1) and (2) (June 1987), or DFARS 252.227-7014(a)(14) (June 1995), as applicable. Manufacturer is Citrix Systems, Inc., 851 West Cypress Creek Road, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33309.
8. CHOICE OF LAW AND VENUE. Choice of law and venue shall be as set forth in the relevant server software license agreement.
9. HOW TO CONTACT CITRIX. Should you have any questions concerning this AGREEMENT or want to contact CITRIX for any reason, write to CITRIX at the following address: Citrix Systems, Inc., Customer Service, 851 West Cypress Creek Road, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309; Citrix Systems International GmbH, Rheinweg 9, CH-8200 Schaffhausen, Switzerland; or Citrix Systems Asia Pacific Pty Ltd., Level 3, 1 Julius Ave., Riverside Corporate Park, North Ryde NSW 2113, Sydney, Australia.
10. TRADEMARKS. Citrix and Receiver are registered trademarks or trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. CTX_code: RCOM_T_A10009488 Please read the Citrix End User License Agreement available at