The "Network" tab controls the parameters for the network interface.

Through this panel you can access all the specific configuration for the network:
- ThinMan — This panel allows configuring on the device which is the referenced ThinMan server. It is really important to specify which is the referenced ThinMan because the device will use the HTTPS Protocol instead of TCP/UDP and will send ThinMan more information on the device itself. Read this chapter carefully.
- Network Settings — This panel allows configuring all generic parameters related to the device inside the network (e.g. hostname, SMB, DNS servers, ...).
- Network Diagnostic — This panel allows testing the network connection with these specific commands: Ping, TraceRoute, NSLookup, EthTool and Check Certificate.
- Wired Interface — This panel allows configuring all parameters for the Ethernet wired connection.
- Wi-Fi Interface — This panel allows configuring all parameters for the WiFi connection.
- VPN Configuration — This panel allows configuring the VPN connection for the device.
- Port Based Authentication — This panel allows to configure the parameters related to Port Based IEEE802.1x Authentication for the device.
- Network File System — This panel allows to create links to a network shared folders.