Allows configuring the environment and the sessions for the IBMiAccess Client - 5250 Session Manager.
The first time the control applet is launched it asks to accept the license agreement. Scroll down the agreement until the end of the text and then click on "Yes" to accept the agreement.
Once the session manager is started you can:
More information is available by selecting the menu "Help" -> "Help Contents".
This is the window that opens when a New Display Session is created.
Once the connection is saved, it is visible in the Session Manager window (e.g. "IBM_Test"), double click to launch it.
The session is also available on the desktop, double-click to launch it.
IMPORTANT NOTE The CUPS Printer applet has to be enabled (see Printers) but DO NOT CONFIGURE the printer from that applet and follow the steps below instead.
Once a printer connection is created, to configure the attached printer you have to open the connection.
Select the "Communication" menu and the "Configure..." item.
In the tree on the left select "Printer Setup" and insert the "Printer Name". The printer name has to be (the label are case sensitive so please type them exactly as they are reported):