The VNC Client connection allows creating a connection based on VNC Protocol.
On the "Name" tab insert the name of the connection.
On the "Server" tab insert:
How to map F8 Function Key to other Key The F8 Function Key is the shortcut that allows opening the VNC Connection menu. This option could interfere with other software working in the VNC connection. To change the Function Key associated with the menu you have to change the "Server Address" field with a string in the form:
-MenuKey=<function key> <Server Address>
If the <function key> parameter is empty the menu cannot be accessed using Function Keys. E.g. Case 1: "-MenuKey=F7" to use F7 as menu Function Key and connect to the server "" Case 2: "-MenuKey=" to disable the menu Function Key and connect to the server ""
Once the connection is launched it allows operating on the remote desktop.
In this case, the connection is in windowed mode (the "Full Screen" option is not enabled). In both cases (windowed or full screen) pressing the F8 function key on the keyboard the control menu for the VNC connection is showed and many options can be selected.
Select "Exit Viewer" from this menu to close the connection (in windowed mode you can also close the session pressing the "X" button on the right part of the window title bar).