Right-click on an Identification Device (smart card) to show the contextual menu.
Set Security Policy: set the second-factor authentication of the selected Identification Device (smart card); see Smart Identity Configuration for all the possible value of this parameter.
Lock: the Identification Device (smart card) changes status to Locked. The user will not be able to log in the endpoint. This is useful for the Administrator to temporarily block the user.
Unlock: the Identification Device changes status to Enable. The user will be able to log in the endpoint.
Disable: an Identification Device on Locked status can be Disabled. When disabling an identification device, this is no longer associated to the user and cannot be Enabled. Also, the identification device will disappear from the Smart Identity tree. To see the list of all disabled devices, select the Disabled Devices List option on the contextual menu of the Smart Identity Tree (see image below).
It will open a window with a list of all the disabled identification devices.
In order to enroll a disabled identification device, it is necessary to remove the device from the Disabled Identification Devices List, This status is useful when an Identification Device is lost and you do not want it to access the endpoint. In case the Identification Device is found, use the Remove option to reuse it through a new enrollment.
Remove: an Identification Device can be removed so it can be reused through the enrollment procedure.