This is the list of the readers and smart cards that are compatible with the Smart Identity feature.
- Praim External USB NFC CARD Reader (model ACR122U-A9)
- Praim 105 keys standard USB PC keyboard (Black) with Smart Card (model "KC 1000 SC"). Models: KUS0916 and KUS0967 are not certified
- SCR335 USB Smart Card Reader.
- ACR 1255 (only via USB cable, not working via Bluetooth)
- Bit4ID Minilector
- Praim NFC Cards for ThinMan Smart Identity
- Italian "Carta Nazionale dei Servizi"
- Praim External USB NFC CARD Reader (model ACR122U-A9)
- Praim 105 keys standard USB PC keyboard (Black) with Smart Card (model "KC 1000 SC"). Models: KUS0916 and KUS0967 are not certified
- SCR335 USB Smart Card Reader.
- ACR 1255 (only via USB cable, not working via Bluetooth)
- Bit4ID Minilector
Smart Cards:
- Praim NFC Cards for ThinMan Smart Identity
- Italian "Carta Nazionale dei Servizi"