Open Logs Folder: it opens a file explorer window at the default logs directory. Inside the directory, you can find all the logs generated by ThinMan. Logs can be useful to debug strange condition or eventually malfunction. An important log file in the directory is thinman.log. It contains all the notifications received by ThinMan Server and the operation executed on the ThinMan Server during the current day. Old thinman.log files will be renamed in the form thinman.log.AAAA-MM-DD.x where AAAA is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, and x is an increasing number used when many files are created during a single day.
Export Logs folder: it creates a zip file containing all the data in the logs directory. It is useful when requested by our customer support team to provide information necessary for the debugging.
Open Inventory Folder: it opens a file explorer window at the default inventory folder. You can create an inventory file with the command Create Inventory File or through an Scheduled Activities.
Open Custom Command Result Folder: it opens the folder containing the result of executing a Custom Command. For more information, read ThinOX: Special Functions - Send Custom Command.
Open Console Work Folder: it opens the ThinMan Local Console work folder.