A Custom Command is a file developed by Praim followed by a particular request that can be executed in one or more devices.
The Custom Commands are managed through the Custom Command Repository. To open it, go to the Menu Tools -> Custom Command Repository
Click on Add to add a file in the Custom Command Repository.
Click on Browse and select the file that will be imported into the Package Repository.
Select from the file explorer window the file (*.par or *.ccmd extension) that you want to import in the Custom Command Repository, and click Open.
Once imported the file is available, on the Custom Command Repository, and it is ready to be sent on a device (either manually or through an Scheduled/Event Activities).
Clicking on Details allows inserting more information on the selected Custom Command.
Notes: it collects generic information that will be visible to all the users using the Custom Command Repository.
Apply to min. version: the custom command is executed only on devices with a version equal or higher to this field. This allows a more strictly control on custom commands distribution.
Apply to max. version: the custom command is executed only on devices with a version equal or lower to this field. This allows a more strictly control on Custom Commands distribution.
Clicking on Remove will permanently delete the selected custom command from the Repository. Not only it is removed from the list but also from the file system.