Through the Activities tab, you can define the maximum number of activities that can be executed in parallel when a scheduled activity of type update is performed by ThinMan.
The activities that are impacted by these concurrent limit are:
When an updating scheduled activity starts, it can involve many devices. Having lot of devices that concurrently access the ThinMan server could lengthen the time of the operation on the single device (principally due to the network bandwidth shared from the many devices that are accessing at the same time the Package Repository).
To handle this type of problems, ThinMan limits the execution of update processes to a limited number of concurrent devices. When the limit is reached, the ThinMan do not execute more update operation on devices. In this case, there is a better use of the bandwidth that is shared only from a limited number of the concurrent device. The benefit is that the time needed to complete an update operation is shorter. A new upgrade operation is started on a device only when another device of the concurrent pool finished its update operation.
E.g. imagine putting 3 as value for one of the parameter. When the correspondening scheduled action starts, and many devices are selected for the activity, only the first three devices start to be updated. Only when one of them finishes the operation, a new one starts the updated. There will always be a maximum of 3 concurrent devices that will receive, from the ThinMan Server, the package needed to complete the activity. This configuration optimizes the bandwidth used between ThinMan and devices. Be aware that in this case, the other devices are not updated until their turn comes.
Scheduled Activities and Time Slot
This limit also allows an optimized use of the Time Slot parameters on the Scheduled Activities configuration. In fact, when the time slot is enabled only the devices whose upgrade operation has started in the time slot are upgraded while the others are not. In this case, it is better to repeat the Scheduled Activity for many days. So those devices that are not upgraded in the first run will be upgraded in the next days.
Unless necessary, do not change these parameters.
This panel allows sharing the Inventory files produced by the Export Inventory specific scheduled activity, using these ThinMan Server web pages: