The following document describes the policy and the procedure adopted by PRAIM in supplying technical support and software maintenance services on PRAIM THIN CLIENTS.
The document includes technical terms and abbreviations clarified hereinafter:
EoP = End of Production States the end of production of a particular Thin Client model.
EoM = End Of Maintenance States the final date of a software update release, hot fixes and service packs for a particular thin client model.
EoS = End of Support States the supply final date of all the support services on particular THIN CLIENT model or family (product).
EoL = End of Life States the life expectancy (end of life) of a particular THIN CLIENT model.
EoR = End of Repairability States the supply final date of all hardware repairability services of a particular Thin Client model or Series.
The technical support, firmware maintenance and hardware reparability services vary according to the life stage of the product.
Five life stages are identified:
EoP stage = End of Production States the end of production of a particular thin client model. This announcement, as a rule, is published on the company website, through either press releases or specific documents.
EoM stage = End Of Maintenance States the period, after the announcement of the EoP, guaranteed by the release of software updates , hot fixes and service packs for a particular thin client model, as well as the technical support services.
As a rule, EoM stage, covers a period of two years. In the course of these two years, all the development, software maintenance and technical support activities will steadily slow down.
First year – First Semester During this period the product still benefits by the highest level of Technical Support and Maintenance. Hot Fixes, Service Packs and specific Patches are usually released as needed and bug fixing activities are fully guaranteed.
First Year - Second Semester Firmware upgrade for the correction of bugs and, where possible, for module’s software updates(clients), will be released only on customers’ request. For firmwares’ releases, the final version released to a single customer, will be not exclusive and will be available on PRAIM support website.
Second year The firmware update both for bugs fixing and possible updates on software modules (client) is assured only upon customers’ reports. In case of firmware releases, the last version delivered to specific customer(s) will be published on the PRAIM website and made available to all customers.
EoS stage = End Of Support States the final date of a software update release, Hot fixes and service packs. In this stage, as an exception, only important bugs, reported by customers, are taken into consideration. Nevertheless, the necessity of a development activity will be analyzed and endorsed by PRAIM. Neither release of software modules updates (new client versions) nor implementations of new activities are possible.
EoL stage = End Of Life States the supply date of all technical support services and related software maintenance activities. The hardware repairability is assured within the time-limit displayed in the specific document. The repairability term is specified on the official document published on the company website.
EoR stage = End Of Repairability States the final supply date of repairability services. The product may not be repaired after this date, and spare parts, are no longer available.