ThinOX permits to give the user the possibility to change some terminal properties (mouse, video settings, etc.) from Imprivata OneSign login window.
First step to configure this useful feature is to access the "Terminal Properties" window and to select "Security" tab.
Flag "Require password to modify the terminal configuration" options and insert an administrative password (and confirm it). This option tell ThinOX to prevent configuration modification from anonymous users. When the flag is enabled every time you need to change configuration on thin client you are asked to insert the administrative password.
Praim strongly suggest to protect thin client with this administrative password.
Once the thin client is protected from unauthorized modification you can configure to grant some permission to change configuration.
Now flag which properties may be changed from the user. The list of properties is:
Every flagged property will show an icon in the "Terminal Properties” panel and entitles the user to change related thin client option.
The option "Show Advanced Settings Button" tell ThinOX to show in the user limited "Terminal Properties" window a button to access the full "Terminal Properties" window (see below).
For the "Video Settings" option is furthermore possible to specify which resolutions the user may select from and which properties of the video setting are available to user. Click "Configure" button to access the configuration panel below.
With this panel you can select if user is enabled to modify Multimonitor Configuration, Color Depth Configuration, Advanced Configuration and Resolution Configuration. For Resolution Configuration you can also specify which are the proposed resolution to the user (flag only which resolution will be available to the user).
If at least one of the previously properties is flagged on the OneSign login window a new button is present.
If the user click on "Configure Terminal" button a "Terminal Properties" window will open containing only the configuration items previously specified.
Beware that if the thin client is not protected by an administrative password and "Advanced Settings" button is clicked the full "Terminal Properties" window will open showing all control. In this way the user is enabled to change all thin client configuration with possible disastrous effects on the thin client itself.
This window show the sound configuration possibilities.
This window show the mouse settings possibilities.
This window show the international settings possibilities.
This window show the video settings possibilities. The second window can be accessed clicking on "Advanced Settings…" button on the first window.