To use OneSign Environment you must check the OneSign license.
Follow this procedure to check the installed modules:
- Open the OneSign Administrator Properties page
- Go to “Modules” tab
- The following modules have to be enabled:
- OneSign Authentication Management
- Virtual Desktop Access
- ProveID Web API (free of charge but it must be requested from Imprivata)

To set up ThinOX thin client support in your OneSign Enterprise enable the “Future 9” option doing the following:
- Open the OneSign Administrator Properties page
- Go to “ProveID” tab
- Enable “Allow Access to OneSign via ProveID Web API”
- Flag “Future 9” option
- Click on “Save” button to save configuration

To use VMware or Citrix infrastructure in OneSign Environment you must insert VMware and Citrix related information. Do this procedure to insert related informations:
- Open the OneSign Administrator Properties page.
- Go to “Virtual desktops” tab.
- Add in the two sections “VMware View” and “Citrix XenDesktop” information related to VMware and Citrix server using the respective “Add server” button.
- Remember to flag the respective “Allow authentication from VMware View Client” and “Allow authentication from XenDesktop-enabled devices” .
- Click on “Save” button to save configuration modification.
See figure below for an example.