Turn on the thin client. Right-click with mouse on desktop and select “Terminal properties” menu. The “Terminal Properties” window will open, select “Contol Panel” tab.
Double click on “Imprivata OneSign”.
Flag “Start OneSign login at poweron” (this option tell ThinOX to login at OneSign server when the thin client is started).
In the “Bootstrap URL” enter the OneSign Appliance URL in the form “https://<hostname/IPAddress>”.
It is possible to test the inserted parameters related to the connection clicking on "Test Connection". The agent try to connect to the Imprivata server and return a result depending on the connection availability.
Click on “OK” to save Imprivata settings.
Click once again “OK” of “Terminal properties” window to save thin client configuration.
Reboot the thin client.
If the operation was successful the thin client will present the credential login.
“SSL Verification Mode” permits to define the thin client behavior in case of problem with OneSign server certificate validation.
Clicking on the “SSL Verification Mode“ button a new window will open.
Selecting “Rejecting the unverifiable connection (Secure)…” will close the connection to the server if certificates are not trusted and not valid. Use it in case you have a trusted and valid certificate on the server.
Selecting “Warn if the connection maybe insecure (Default)…” will open a warning window that request a confirmation to proceed with the connection. You can continue or stop the connection. Use it in case you have self-signed or expired certificates on the server.
Selecting “Allow the unverifiable connection (Not Secure)…” will connect to the server even if the certificate is not valid. Don’t use it in production environment.
“Import CA Certificate” permits to load on thin client the Trusted Root CA Certificate that is used on the OneSign appliance.
Export CA Certificate from Certification Authority in Base64 format.
Copy the exported certificate on a USB Key, insert the USB Key in the thin client and click on “Import CA Certificates”. A new window will appear and you will be able to browse the USB Key, select certificate and import it into the thin client clicking on “Import”.
When the thin client is configured it is possible to copy its configuration to another thin client.
The copy will include all the configuration made on the thin client included connections, certificates and Imprivata parameters.
For a detailed procedure refer to How to easily copy configuration from a device to another device chapter.