In some cases, real-time protection antivirus (e.g. Windows Defender) can interfere with ThinMan either creating upgrade operations problems or reducing performance. In such cases we recommend to exclude two directories from the antivirus check.
The ThinMan directories that has to be exclude from the antivirus check are:
If you move the Package Repository folder (as explained in the How To move the Package Repository to other folder or disk) be sure to exclude the directory accordingly.
From the Settings window select the Update and Security icon.
On the list in the left side select the antivirus (e.g. Windows Defender).
Scroll the page on the right until you find the Exclusions paragraph, click on Add an exclusion link.
Click on Exclude a folder button and select the directories explained above, when the directory is selected click on Exclude this folder button (you have to do this step twice, one for every directory).
Attack Surface Reduction
Please, consider that Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules might be interfering with the proper functioning of ThinMan.