To change the user picture for all users (e.g. using the company logo) follow these steps:
- login to the device with the local Admin user;
- in the directory "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures" (could be different for other languages) rename the picture files *.bmp and *.png (or copy them just for backup)
- replace those files with the desired ones respecting the name, the dimension in pixel and the format (png or bmp). In general the files will be:
- guest.bmp - 448x448 pixels - BMP format
- guest.png - 448x448 pixels - PNG format
- user.bmp - 448x448 pixels - BMP format
- user.png - 448x448 pixels - PNG format
- user-40.png - 448x448 pixels - PNG format
- user-200.png - 448x448 pixels - PNG format
Be sure to disable the write filter (see Using the Write Filter) before the change of the files and to enable again after you change the files.
These operation will also change the user picture for a device joined to a domain.