USB Flash Drive: Size
Notice the drive should be at least 32 GB.
USB Flash Drive: Style
Please, consider that the USB key partition style must be MBR.To verify the partition style on Windows O.S. open the Disk Management window, select the disk you want to check, right-click it and select Properties. On the Volumes" tab, the Partition style attribute indicates whether is Master Boot Record (MBR) or GUID Partition Table (GPT).
Insert a USB Storage.
Open the Praim Toolkit Windows USB Recovery.
Select from the list the inserted USB Storage Key.
Click on Format USB for Recovery.
Select the first option (PRAIM Windows 10 IoT Models) and click on OK.
Confirm the operation clicking on "Yes".
The window will show the operation in progress and, depending on the operating system that you choose previously, you could see some files that will be copied on the USB Key.
Click on Next to continue.
Click on Add Device Image to select the Windows Embedded firmware file. Download from MyPraim, the Praim Factory Firmware Image.
Wait until the software is writing the selected image on the USB Storage Key.
DO NOT REMOVE the USB key from the PC until this operation finishes.
Click on Finish to close the software and detach the USB Storage Key from the PC.
Boot the Flexi device from the USB Key, the recovery process will start immediately.
How long does it take to prepare a USB key
The preparation time of a USB key depends on the size of the image file and on the writing speed of the USB device. For more information see How long does it take to prepare a thin client using a USB Pen Drive? .