The display settings panel allows to configure the display of monitor connected to the device.
When pressing the Identify Displays button, a number will appear on each monitor connected to the device.
By clicking on the Next button you will add another display.
It is possible to drag and drop the display to change its position in order to represent the physical layout of the monitors.
You can align a display to the top, middle or bottom of another one.
Through the mode option, you can specify whether the display is an extension or a clone of the previous configured display.
If you choose to Clone a display, you can Split it. See image below.
Through this option you can change the resolution of each display.
Click on this button to rotate the display counterclockwise.
Undo: through this button you can cancel the last change.
Apply Changes: through this button you can apply all changes made since the last time you click on "Apply Changes".
Reset: Through this button you can reset all parameters to the default value.